Happy Hour

Come out and join us today at 4pm in the Clubhouse for Social Hour. See old friends and make some new ones!  

Bring your drink of choice but please, no “munchies” at this time in accordance with guidelines on Covid-19 safety.  See you there!

Submitted by The Bluebonnet Officers
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Ice Cream Social & Card Bingo

Come out this evening for the seasons first Ice Cream Social in the Clubhouse at 6pm. As it’s the 3rd Sunday, we’ll be celebrating birthdays and anniversaries for October and April.  Free cake will be provided. Ice cream is $1.00 per scoop, various flavors.  Please bring your own bowl and spoon. Those celebrating a birthday or anniversary are free!
[CDC recommended safeguards will be in place for serving. Masks are recommended in the Clubhouse while moving around or in close proximity with others. For the comfort and safety of the servers, please wear a mask while in line to get served cake and ice cream.]

Following Ice Cream Social, Card BINGO will be played at 6:45 pm.

Submitted by The Bluebonnet Officers
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BINGO resumes this Friday, October 16th at 7pm in the Clubhouse. We have a brand new Caller joining us Friday night!  Come out and cheer him on!  We will have free popcorn and the concession refrigerator is available. 
There is plenty of room in our Clubhouse to allow for good social distancing and table size will be limited. Please wear a mask while moving around in the Clubhouse, however according to recent CDC released guidelines they can be removed while eating or playing. Please do not attend if you are sick or have been around someone who’s been sick. (Questions or concerns regarding safeguards can be addressed to a Bluebonnet Officer)
Submitted by The Bluebonnet Officers
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Fall Decorating

The Decorating Commttee will meet at the Clubhouse on Thursday, October 15 at 10:00am to decorate for Fall/Halloween.

All are welcome to join the fun. Please wear a mask.

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It’s time to spruce up our Bluebonnet Red Barn.  Last March the Membership approved the funds to repair, paint and change the hardware on our storage barn.  The barn will be power washed next week (Thank you Dan) to remove loose paint and dirt.  After a couple of days to dry, we will apply caulk to some cracks in the building.  Then the next day, we’ll need to lightly sand the caulked areas and paint.

We are looking for a few volunteers to help with the sanding and painting on October 17th, 2020 from 8:30 AM until whenever we’re done.

We don’t want so many people that we’re tripping over each other, but would like to line up 4 or 5 volunteers.  If you are interested in helping, please let me know, Lot 101, or I’m in the park directory for email and phone.  All materials will be provided.

Remember:  EVERYONE is a Bluebonnet!!

Samme Buck
President, Bluebonnet Auxiliary


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Every week, the clubhouse will be closed on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. for cleaning.


Thank you

LSC Board of Directors

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Our Activities to Resume

Several of our favorite activities will be starting up again later this month. Lots of us are ready to ‘return to somewhat normal’. However, to maintain safety for our Members and Guests, we will need to implement some safety protocols when using the Clubhouse and attending social functions. We are using guidelines obtained from the CDC for Social Club Activities. You should wear a mask anytime you are in the Clubhouse. Wash your hands often and use the sanitizers and cleaning supplies provided when using tables, equipment, etc. The activities starting up this month are:

BINGO: BINGO will resume on Friday, October 16th at 7PM in the Clubhouse. Cards are $1.00.Please bring small bills as we cannot change large ones. There are 10 games played then a final Coverall. Easy and lots of fun. Daubers are available for purchase and ‘loaners’ are available for guests.
NOTE: Seating will be limited at tables to 4 people to allow for social distancing. Masks to be worn for both your protection and that of others. The caller is NOT required to wear a mask unless they desire to, and we will ask you to observe social distancing with both the caller and cashier for their safety.

ICE CREAM SOCIAL: (This is providing we have someone volunteer to host). Ice Cream social will begin on Sunday, Oct 18th at 6PM in the Clubhouse. Bring your own bowl and spoon please. Sign up sheet in on the Bluebonnet Bulletin Board.
NOTE: Please wear a mask in the Clubhouse unless you are actively eating or drinking. Please maintain social distance and keep number of people limited at a table. Masks must be worn when in the service line to protect the servers. ALL items will be served to you at your request, there is no ‘self service’ on toppings or ice cream.

SOCIAL HOURS: One of our favorite traditions, our Monday-Wednesday-Friday Social hours will resume on Monday October 19th at 4PM in the Clubhouse. Wear masks and observe social distance.  At this time due to the COVID-19 concerns, there can be no “Munchy Mondays”. No outside food can be brought into the Clubhouse and shared at all. This is to help prevent the spread of the virus.

The Snack Refrigerator is stocked and you are welcome to use it as items there are individually wrapped thus deemed safe and appropriate protection. The restriction on outside food (such as from the store or bakery) should also be observed with nothing other than single, individual wrapped items brought in to the Clubhouse.
NOTE: Please do not leave any personal or ‘donated’ items in the snack concession refrigerator. They will be removed and discarded.

As with ALL precautions: If you are feeling unwell, have a fever, are concerned you have been exposed, or simply uncomfortable with the idea of being around others, please DO NOT ATTEND any social events. We have been amazingly lucky in that none of our community has gotten this virus.Lets take the steps to ensure it stays that way!!

If you are unwilling or uncomfortable wearing a mask, please do not attend activities or events. We simply cannot take the risk with our community at this time.

With safety precautions in place, we should still be able to have a safe social season. There will be more information put out regarding safety and activities, particularly events regarding food items, such as dinners, breakfasts and special meals at the Bluebonnet Auxiliary Meeting on October 21st at 1PM in the Clubhouse.

Submitted by The Bluebonnet Officers

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Good News!

Airmen’s Attic has reopened! If you have household goods, clothing, toys or games you would like to donate, you may place them in the appropriate bins in the Clubhouse near the pool table.

Betsy Vannatta (Lot 115) and other members will take them to the base.

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Help Wanted

The Maintenance Committee has identified part of the problem with the water leaks to the “old” system from the new water system. However, we need some able-bodied folks to help with the remedy. If you can help, contact

John Swatloski on Lot #65.

Thank you in advance for your assistance with this project.

LSC Board of Directors

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Winter Hours

       Effective October 5th, 2020, office hours will be:             

Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. to noon
1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Sat 8:30 a.m. to noon

Sun Closed

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