
Saturday, January 15,  beginning at 11 a.m: a return visit from The Fiddlers.  An old fashioned jam session/hoe down.  If you play an instrument, sing or just want to listen, please come and join in.  The usual pot luck meal won’t be happening yet, so bring a sack lunch for the break at noon because the session will continue into the afternoon.  This invite is for members and guest alike. Hope to see you there.

Ron and Kay Erkert, Lot #6

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Town Hall Meeting

There is a Town Hall meeting on January 14th, 1 to 3pm. Topic is the Voting Packet material. It is important that you attend since all members are the ones who ultimately make the decisions on how this park is run.  See you there. Bring your voting packet.

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After a long delay, Ladies’ Lunch Bunch will resume. 

We will meet at the clubhouse around 12:15 on Wednesday, January 12, 2022.

Lunch is scheduled for 1:00 at Azteca Restaurant in Hondo.

This is not just for members, all visitors are encouraged to join us.

Diana Stone, Lot #94

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Silent Auction

SILENT AUCTION: a Bluebonnet Fundraiser

Starts:  8:00 am Tuesday – Jan 18th

 Where:  Clubhouse

 Ends:  Noon, Friday – Jan 21st

Pick up for bid winners immediately after.

Come check out the items for auction and bid.

 Bid High & Bid Often

Submitted by Christine Davis


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Please Donate an Item for the Silent Auction

Do you have a new or gently used item(s) you would like to donate for the Silent Auction?  Don’t throw away that gently used or new item you had in mind to get rid of at spring cleaning! Donate it instead!   It is safe, fun, and you may find yourself a treasure.

Please bring your donation to the Clubhouse beginning Monday, January 17 between 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm. If you can’t drop it off then, please contact Chris Davis, Lot 11 or Sharon Ashford, Lot 33 to arrange another time.  Items will be accepted up to Thursday, Jan 20.  If you wish to donate a large item please provide pictures, description, and location where it can be seen.  The top bidder can pick it up from you.

Thank you for supporting the Silent Auction.   All proceeds go to the Bluebonnets for the benefit of all.  Receipts gladly given if requested.


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K-9 Corral Jocularity

Please mark your calendars for a fun social hour on Wednesday January 26th @ 4PM

The K-9 Corral is hosting the first ever, Ugly Old Dog competition.  This competition is for any two people to form a team, visitors welcome also, so tell your visiting neighbors about it.

The idea is to have one person of the team get dressed up to look like any kind of dog, purebred or mutt, use any means you can imagine, like makeup, false ears and noses, wigs and maybe clothing to enhance the “work ethic” of the dog, as in a bathrobe and slippers for a lazy dog, or suit and bowtie for a dapper dog, plaid  flannel shirt for a farm dog, I’m sure you can get these pictures in your mind.  Keep it funny so we can all have a laugh with you.

The other half of the team will be the “ugly old dogs” handler, and their job is to keep the dogs under some kind of control.  Please make up a short bio for me to read out while you walk, or try to, walk your dog around the club house, i.e. the dog’s name, where you found him and why you kept him.  A rolled up newspaper will be allowed to enforce commands given and ignored, treats such as donuts or cupcakes can be used to lure the ugly old dogs to walk and diapers are allowed for those who are not house trained.  Please bring your own poop bags (of any size) in case of accidents.

There is no entry fee, but I would ask that spectators bring some cash to bribe the judges to choose your favorite.  The three judges are not “dog lovers” (you will understand when you see them) so they will need a lot of encouragement to decide on one, let alone to actually agree.

So come and have some fun and let’s fill up the Bluebonnets coffers.

If you plan on entering please call Karen @ 940-500-7939 so that I can allocate the space needed.  Entries will be kept confidential.

Thank You, Karen Bristol, K-9 Corral Chair

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Thank You!

Thank you to all who helped ” Undecorate” Christmas.  We did it all today, both inside  and out.

Marlene Moir,  Chair of Decorating Committee.

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Members: Please Read

Happy New Year! This would be a good time to check your information for the LSC Directory. If you need to make changes to your address, phone numbers, and/or email addresses, please pick up a “Changes to the LSC Directory” form from the office and fill it out. I hope to have the 2022 Directory available at the Annual Membership Meeting on February 24th. Thank you!

Submitted by Gail Beezley, Lot 82

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Bingo & New Year’s Eve

BYOB and snacks to Bingo 7pm Friday night, December 31.

After Bingo, there will be music and socializing, laughter and celebrating 2021 leaving the park. Come join your fellow CO-OP neighbors and see the New Year in.


Anna Hoppe

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Christmas ” undecorating” will be next week:

    • INSIDE:   Tues. Jan. 4th, 9:30ish, after Sit & Fit
    • OUTSIDE: Wed. Jan.5th, 9:30

Thank you,  Decorating Committee

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