Please Donate an Item for the Silent Auction

Do you have a new or gently used item(s) you would like to donate for the Silent Auction?  Don’t throw away that gently used or new item you had in mind to get rid of at spring cleaning! Donate it instead!   It is safe, fun, and you may find yourself a treasure.

Please bring your donation to the Clubhouse beginning Monday, January 17 between 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm. If you can’t drop it off then, please contact Chris Davis, Lot 11 or Sharon Ashford, Lot 33 to arrange another time.  Items will be accepted up to Thursday, Jan 20.  If you wish to donate a large item please provide pictures, description, and location where it can be seen.  The top bidder can pick it up from you.

Thank you for supporting the Silent Auction.   All proceeds go to the Bluebonnets for the benefit of all.  Receipts gladly given if requested.


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